
Can’t find the answer to your question in the general website information? Here’s some Frequently Asked Questions.

How do I participate in the Habilyzer experiment?

Email Roy van den Heuvel: r.v.d.heuvel@tue.nl

What is in it for us? 

Habilyzer creates valuable and novel insights into the everday workplace experience and offers tangible handles for improvement. It gives workers a voice in how they see their office vitality and we can help interpret the study results towards designerly solutions that might help your company. Additionally, we can offer Design Methods workshops and cocreation sessions. 

How much time does it cost to participate?

It takes about 2-3 hours per participant, mostly concentrated in the 1-on-1 interviews. The use of the toolkit shouldn’t take too much explicit time investments. The experiment will last about 6 weeks in total. 

What happens when the experiment starts?

First, all participants (as many as possible from the company) will receive a logbook for 2 weeks, in which they’re asked to note metrics or situations they are interested in knowing more about. This is followed up with interviews. Then, a maximum of 5 Habilyzer kits get distributed amongst participants and they are instructed in its use. For four weeks, participants are asked to work with Habilyzer. Afterwards, participants get interviewed and study results will be presented to participants and the company. 

What happens to the collected data?

Collected sensor data stays on the Habilyzer device and is not shared with the company. Only irreversibly anonymized study results will be communicated. Only the Habilyzer researchers have access to the raw data of the toolkit and interviews. After the study, all personally identifiable data (from the interviews) will be destroyed. The Habilyzer sensor data does not contain any personally identifiable data. Data will be backupped to TU/e secure servers (SURF), with password protection only known to Habilyzer researchers. After the experiment, data on all devices is destroyed after backup. 

Can we use Habilyzer to objectively measure certain office metrics? (e.g. acoustics, security)

No. The Habilyzer toolkit is not meant to provide objective, professional-grade data on things like building acoustics or presence detection towards security purposes. It is an explorative toolkit that aims to investigate how people appropriate such sensing devices in an office context. It does not provide any true, calibrated data that might be used in official company guidelines or rules. 

Is this experiment ethically approved?

Yes, the TU/e Ethical Review Board has granted ethical approval to these Office Vitality studies.