Who are we?
The lead researcher of the Habilyzer study is Roy van den Heuvel (left), PhD-candidate at the department of Industrial Design. Supported by dr. Carine Lallemand (right) and prof. Caroline Hummels.

Our Vision
From topdown to Bottom up
Health promotion interventions are too often generic ‘catch-all’ solutions pushed from the top. We believe that people can have more say in what constitutes a healthy workplace to them. We believe that with the right tools, people can be empowered to inquire into their own work experiences and come with better, more personalized and more effective opportunities for change.
Our Mission
Easy. Fun. Workplace exploration.
Whether you’re interested in office movements, coffee drinking habits or noise complaints, becoming your own workplace explorer must be easy and thought-provoking. Our research aims to turn every office worker into a constructive and curious researcher of their own workplace experience.